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and has given us many extra days of wide-awake travel... by enabling us to immediately adjust to new time zones all around the world on many trips from Atlanta to Abu Dhabi... to Australia... to Africa... to Russia... and beyond.
Our StopJetLag advice is the first investment we make in our trip after booking our flights."
Rosie and Ladd Jones, Atlanta, GA
Use this secure StopJetLag channel
to enter all the flights for your trip.
Your StopJetLag Plan Agenda is the key to when you should follow the scientifically based timing for the major influences on jet lag.
You should read this before your trip and it is best to take a printed copy of your StopJetLag Plan with you on your trip.
Your StopJetLag Trip Notes are written up when your Plan is created and reviewed to help you understand the nuances that apply to your trip.
You can also have these notes read to you in the StopJetLag app.
The StopJetLag Mobile App can keep you notified about the best times for the major influences while you are traveling.
No internet is required after you initially retrieve your StopJetLag Plan info to receive these notifications.
Don't let jet lag interfere with the enjoyment of your holiday or affect your productivity on a business trip. Order your customized StopJetLag plan today. It's quick. Easy. You have nothing to lose with our 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee.
StopJetLag Optimized Plan |
Timeshifter Self-Service App (and others) |
Exposure to Light | ||
• Exposure to Bright Light | Y | Y |
• Avoid Exposure to Bright Light | Y | Y |
Optimal time to start living on your destination time zone | Y | |
Determined by Your: | ||
• Flight times, including connections, and sleeping patterns (between your original and target time zones) | Y | |
• First opportunity to get core sleep on new target time zone | Y | |
StopJetLag Trip Notes | Y | |
• Address the nuances caused by your flight times, including connections, and sleeping patterns (between your original and target time zones) | Y | |
• Clarify the jet lag advice priorizing after the first opportunity to get core sleep on new target time zone has been confirmed | Y | |
Melatonin Usage (Optional) | ||
• Melatonin Timing Recommendations | Y | Y |
• Based on the Optimal time to start living on your destination time zone | Y | |
Caffeine Usage | ||
• Caffeine Timing Recommendations | Y | Y |
Food (types, size, and timing) | Y | |
• Sets up your first breakfast meal on your new target time zone. (Your body should feel that this meal is the same effective time as your regular dinner to breakfast time frame) | Y | |
• Schedules meals based on your current original or target times zone based on the optimal time for you to start shifting your body clock. | Y | |
• Food types and meal sizes | Y | |
Flight Times Displayed | ||
• Shows flight times on both the connecting airport time zone and your current preferred body clock time zone | Y | |
• Shows flight times based on the connecting airport time zone | Y | |
Sleeping times available | ||
• Based on your specific bedtime in hours and minutes | Y | |
• Hourly only (9pm to 2 am) | Y | |
• Based on your specific wakeup time in hours and minutes | Y | |
• Sleep duration (7, 8, or 9 hrs - hourly only) | Y |
Your StopJetLag Plan Agenda is the key to when you should follow the scientifically based timing for the major influences on jet lag.
Get a point-form list of exactly what to do when you begin your trip to ease jet lag - with your customized StopJetLag Plan Agenda.
Your StopJetLag Trip Notes are written up by a jet lag travel expert when your Plan is created and reviewed.
They will help you understand the timing nuances that you can apply to your trip specific to your flight schedules and your typical living schedule.
You can also have these notes read to you in the StopJetLag app.
The major benefit of the StopJetLag Mobile apps is how they give you notifications about when to follow the all‐natural cues while you are busy immersed in your travels.
Mobile apps make using StopJetLag even more convenient. StopJetLag™ Mobile Apps available for iPhone®, iPad®, Android™, and Windows® 11.
There are no roaming charges. Download the app and your StopJetLag advice prior to flight. Internet access is not necessary inflight or on your trip.
StopJetLag is consistently effective because it coordinates the specific timings of the major natural jet lag influences with the personal sleeping and eating habits of the traveler.
StopJetLag is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Each plan considers your specific flight schedule and normal daily routines. The result is a completely customized, concise hour-by-hour schedule that helps you reset your body clock so you arrive at your destination on local time.
StopJetLag is based on scientifically shifting your body clock onto your new time zone by:
Unlike other solutions, StopJetLag leverages and integrates personal profiles, flight schedules, and applied research in chronobiology, providing travelers with the most comprehensive and accurate means of beating jet lag, even for those with difficult flight times or complex multi-stop itineraries.
The team's specialized software allows StopJetLag to determine the best jet lag avoidance scenario for any flight schedule. The result is a customized StopJetLag plan that takes into account the particular details of each trip, as well as the traveler's personal habits.
This makes it possible to identify times during a travel itinerary when 'core sleep' may be possible and prescribe specifically timed activities to optimize that sleep schedule.