Let's look at how you can use the StopJetLag mobile app to travel without jet lag on your next trip. You’ll do this with a personalized StopJetLag Plan that was created and reviewed by the StopJetLag team for the specific flights you needed to book for your trip.
For this tutorial, we're going to show you how to retrieve your own personalized StopJetLag plan created for your trip.
When you first start the StopJetLag app. You can tap on the ’Retrieve Your StopJetLag Plan’ button to retrieve an example StopJetLag trip plan from our cloud storage.
Tap on the ’Retrieve Your StopJetLag Plan’ button to go to the Retrieve Plan screen.
Here you can enter the plan number and email address that you used when you ordered your StopJetLag Plan and received your order info. Then tap on ‘Download StopJetLag Plan’ button. Say yes to update your StopJetLag Plan recommendations. This will retrieve your plan from the StopJetLag cloud storage. You will then see a summary of the trip information including the first travel day, the first destination, the destination time zone and the time zone change you will experience.
Once you download this avoiding jet lag information, you no longer need to access the Internet to utilize your StopJetLag info.
To go back to the ‘StopJetLag Trip Advice’ main navigation screen, tap the ‘’ button at the upper left corner of your screen and then tap ‘Your StopJetLag Trip Advice’.
(FYI: Based on how you navigated to the ‘Retrieve Plan’ screen, you will sometimes use the ‘’ button to return to the ‘StopJetLag Trip Advice’ navigation screen)
From the ‘StopJetLag Trip Advice’ screen you can navigate to any of your destinations on your trip by tapping the ‘Your Trip Info’ button. This will take you to the choices of your destinations and when you drill down you can access the various days on your trip by tapping on your destination of choice.
Press on the first travel day and you will jump into that time frame of your StopJetLag Advice.
You can also access your current jet lag advice recommendations by pressing the ‘Current Recommendation’ button on the ‘StopJetLag Trip Advice’ main navigation screen. This will take you to all the activities that would influence jet lag on your trip surrounding the current time of day when you press that button.
Plus pressing the watch face at the bottom of the screen will also refresh your current jet lag advice recommendations.
On the StopJetLag agenda page you will see all the activities that affect jet lag on your trip. For the example, it's a trip from San Francisco to Edinburgh with a connection in New York. Due to the connection in New York you have to wait to get on the plane in New York to first change to Edinburgh time. In the case of going to sleep, you will see that it recommends going to sleep shortly after you get on the flight and then sleeping as late as 9:30 am Edinburgh time.
The StopJetLag app also gives you fingertip access to your StopJetLag plan trip notes. Tap the ‘Your Trip Notes’ button and then choose the destination that you want to review your trip notes.
The StopJetLag recommendations are based on the integration of your specific flight times, your personal profile and the times that scientific research has shown to be both safe and effective and help you rapidly adjust the time zone at your destination.
We feel it's important that your StopJetLag recommendations reflect the ideal timing for the major influence on your body clock. However, these additional trip notes will explain some easy and helpful adjustments that can be followed in order to accommodate the nuances of your specific flight schedules.
Let's look at how you can use the StopJetLag app to take advantage of timely jet lag advice notifications. Tap the ‘Refresh Notifications’ button on the main ‘StopJetLag Trip Advice’ page. You’ll notice you have now added a number of jet lag advice notifications for your trip. With the help of these notifications travel distractions will no longer stop you from knowing the timing and then using the important jet lag influences for an all-natural solution to jet lag.
Transform your next trip into a more enjoyable and productive experience—without the hassle of jet lag.
Courtesy of Katie - Katie's Travel Toolkit
"StopJetLag.com will actually create a custom plan just for you.
They'll take into account your exact itinerary and recommend things like
- when you should be waking up,
- when you should be going to sleep,
- what you should be eating, drinking,
- when you should be opening your windows,
- when you should be exposing yourself to sunlight,
- when you should eat."
"All of these things really do make a difference. So this is a big issue and something that StopJetLag is a great resource for."
Sarah Spagnolo from Travel+Leisure
New Zealand to San Francisco for her 'This Way Up' book tour
"It's a great program and really works!
I've travelled a lot and I've never experienced a lack of jet lag like this.
So if you or someone you know is planning a trip, a longer trip across time zones soon, do go to StopJetLag.com. You'll be glad you did."
Patti Clark, Auckland, New Zealand
Whatever your final destination may be, here's what you can do before you board the plane to make that trip more seamless.
"SYNC UP WITH THE TIME ZONE. Jettison jet lag by following the personalized schedule for your itinerary at StopJetLag.com. You'll get an hour-by-hour plan that includes when to eat, rest, exercise, and get sun exposure so you'll be right in step with your destination's local time."
and has given us many extra days of wide-awake travel... by enabling us to immediately adjust to new time zones all around the world on many trips from Atlanta to Abu Dhabi... to Australia... to Africa... to Russia... and beyond.
Our StopJetLag advice is the first investment we make in our trip after booking our flights."
Rosie and Ladd Jones, Atlanta, GA